Tuesday, 6 December 2011

The Pros and Cons of Living with your Parents

1.      Biscuits are no longer a luxury, to only be brought every 3rd Saturday of the month or in late night moments of despair (co-op shuts at 10. It’s 9.57. By god, you’ll make it. You have to make it!) No, when you’re at home, and as if by magic, the biscuit tin re-fills its self every week. And not just with Morrison’s own brand custard creams, either.
2.      And it’s not just the biscuits that are in high supply....the kitchen cupboards at home are positively groaning, laden with everything from Ribena (no more pretending that cheap, nasty squash is as good, if not better) to posh tuna.
3.      Two words. Home cooking.
4.      And did I mention that those delicious home cooked meals are absolutely free?
5.      No bills to pay = more shoes.

1.      “Lights out by 11.” For some reason, when my parents go to bed, they expect me to go to bed too.....
2.      Which also means that I’m supposed to get up at the same time they do. I’ve been home for about three months now. 7am starts don’t get any easier.
3.       “You’re cold? Put on another jumper.” Only those who pay for the heating are allowed to touch the thermostat, even if I’m positively dying of hypothermia.  
4.      Lack of privacy-your old bedroom has been converted into the gym/office/been taken over by a younger sibling. Or, as in my case, your parents move to a smaller house so your bedroom doesn’t even exist. I sleep on my little brother’s floor whilst most of my worldly possessions are in storage. This results in difficult and dusty forage in the attic every time I need a book or a CD.  
5.      Chores. Now I don’t mind cleaning up after myself, but I draw the line at sorting through that mountain of dirty socks.
6.      Lack of freedom- you have to prepare detailed itineraries whenever you plan leave the house, and they’ve taken away your house key.
7.      If you want to be included in family trips or outings, you have to pay your own way because you’re a ‘grown-up’...
8.      And yet you’re not too grown up to get shouted at for forgetting to take the bins out.
9.      “If you don’t like it, leave!” you must keep your temper at all times, because apparently, they don’t like you being at home any more than you do.
10.  You feel every bit as oppressed and misunderstood as you did as a kid, but this time its worse- you’re no longer entitled to pocket money.

1 comment:

  1. I've been living at home for eighteen months. I've got a full time job and stuff. In fact, I'm the only one in my household who now works full time, so it's really nice to come home and have things done for me :) haha. But I genuinely love all the little things my parents do. I'm so grateful for their continuous love and support. It's always good to take a reality check and then realise how good I have it!

    Enjoy living at home while you can, soon you may be paying bills and all sorts!!
